Haemophilia Chartered Physiotherapists Association (HCPA)


  • Chair: Anna Wells
  • Vice-Chair: David Hopper
  • Research Lead: Dr David Stephensen
  • Secretary: Elizabeth Bradshaw
  • Treasurer: Joanne Minshall


(as agreed April 2017)



The title of the Association shall be: ‘Haemophilia Chartered Physiotherapists Association (HCPA)’



The objectives of the Association shall be:

  • Define, promote and encourage best practice for physiotherapy within haemophilia care.
  • Provide professional leadership and direct national physiotherapy policy by contributing specialist expertise.
  • Encourage, facilitate and drive research and development.
  • Provide a forum to promote the exchange of ideas between those working in haemophilia.
  • Promote and facilitate continuous professional development and educational opportunities in haemophilia physiotherapy.
  • Develop and maintain links with other relevant organisations nationally and internationally (i.e. UKHCDO, WFH, EAHAD).



Full Membership

  • Physiotherapists and Physiotherapy Assistants working in the area of haemophilia in the UK and Ireland, including those who have retired from practice, are eligible for full membership of the HCPA.
  • All practicing physiotherapists must have Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) registration, or equivalent.
  • The majority of physiotherapists and physiotherapy assistants must be members or associate members of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP), or equivalent.
  • Full members will have voting rights, and can be elected to the Executive committee.

Allied Membership

  • Other health care professionals with an interest in haemophilia physiotherapy (i.e. psychologists, occupational therapists) are eligible for allied membership of the HCPA.
  • Physiotherapists and physiotherapy assistants not working in the UK and Ireland are eligible for allied membership of the HCPA.
  • Allied members will not have voting rights and cannot be elected the Executive committee.
  • Allied members can attend the AGM.



  • The Executive committee will consist of a Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, Secretary and Research Lead.
  • The Executive posts shall be filled by members eminent in their profession, who by virtue of their professional standing and interest in the specialism of haemophilia are likely to further the objectives of the HCPA.
  • Executive posts will run for a 5 year term.
  • A notice of vacancies will be circulated to members at least 3 months prior to the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
  • Nominees should make their interest known to the Executive committee prior to the AGM.
  • Executive posts will be elected by the HCPA’s members at the AGM.



  • The AGM will be held annually.
  • Notification of the date, time and location of the AGM will be circulated to members at least 3 months prior to the meeting.
  • Reports will be submitted to the AGM by the Chair, Treasurer, Secretary and Research Lead.
  • Minutes will be taken and circulated to members after the AGM.



  • All monies raised must be used to further the HCPA’s objectives.
  • Accounts should be inspected and approved by two non-executive members of the HCPA at the AGM, who will sign to say they approve the report.
  • The annual financial statement made available at the AGM will comprise of a statement of income and expenditure, and balance sheet.
  • The funds shall be kept in a bank account approved by the Executive committee, with signatories to the account being members of the Executive committee.
  • All payments shall be authorised by the Executive committee, with documented evidence of approval for a transaction by at least two Committee members.



  • Alterations to the Constitution must be agreed at the AGM.


To download as PDF: FINAL_HCPA_Constitution