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Project Phoenix

Survey Results

Online survey promoted to people with a bleeding disorder, their families and health professionals in the UK
(via social media and other routes)

302 Completed responses
(from people with a bleeding disorder or their representative.)

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17 minutes - mean time for survey completion

Age and Diagnosis

Respondents included:

People with a bleeding disorder
Partners &
2 siblings

Age distribution of people
with bleeding disorders

Age distribution was fairly evenly distributed between three groups:

Reported diagnosis

300 respondents reported a diagnosis

Reported diagnosis graph

Treatment centres

Journey times / Frequency of visits

301respondents stated they were registered at a treatment centre in the uk

Their journey times:

30 - 60 minutes
1 - 2 Hours
Less than 30 minutes
Over 2 hours

'Long travel to get there, in a lot of cases a phone call would achieve the same end.'

Parent of a person with bleeding disorder

Frequency of routine visits to treatment centre, pre - pandemic

Before the pandemic most people visited their centre (annually):

Quality of Care

Most respondents rated the quality of care they received as good or excellent. A notable minority rating their care as OK or very poor/not very good.

Some of the frustrations expressed involved:

Positive ratings were highest among parents of under 18s and lower among people with a rare bleeding disorder or diagnosed as a carrier

'Friendly, responsive, knowledgeable health care professionals who support my son and us very well.'

Parent of a person with bleeding disorder

'Care is hit and miss, sometimes it is outstanding; other times I have not received contact back.'

Parent of a person with bleeding disorder

'It falls short of excellent as there is not access to physiotherapy services except in extreme circumstances. I feel others would benefit from regular joint assessment and advice on appropriate exercise programmes compatible with my physical condition.'

Person with severe haemophilia

How respondents' rated
quality of care

Quality of care rating

Support from Multidisciplinary Teams

2/3 Agreed or strongly agreed their care team:

  • Are interested in the personal impact of their bleeding disorder
  • Support them to live the life they want

52% Agreed or strongly agreed their care team provide emotional support

23% Disagreed or strongly disagreed their care team provide emotional support

'I value the personal effort each member of staff puts into knowing their patients and listening to us. Treatment at the... CCC (comprehensive care centre) is an inclusive team effort where everyone, including the patient, is as important as everyone else.'

Person with severe haemophilia

'Frustration that they are unable to provide or fund the psychological support that will be needed when times are difficult.'

Parent of a person with bleeding disorder

How respondants’ rated support
from the multidisciplinary team

Respondents agreed they were involved in making decisions about their care
Agreed they were well-informed about new treatments
Agreed they had access to available new treatments

'I've had many situations that involved making new decisions about my healthcare and I've always received good advice that has benefited me.'

Person with severe haemophilia

'I find it hard to approach the centre and if I do it is because I genuinely feel I need help and assistance but when that isn’t provided , I lack confidence to contact them in the future.'

Parent of a person with bleeding disorder

'Most of my reasons for treatment are ‘self-inflicted’ - i.e. due to an overactive lifestyle but they do not judge or lecture me. Also the friendliness and the speed of being seen.'

Person with moderate haemophilia

Other medical services

Most did not agree that other health professional understood their bleeding disorder with around:

  • 50% felt this was the case for GPs and A&E consultants in accident and emergency
  • 40% felt this was the case for paramedics

Ratings of other medical services were consistent among all respondant groups

'.. the ambulance service can now only take you to the nearest hospital with A&E. Sadly those hospitals cannot cope with haemophilia.’

Person with mild haemophilia

'My local A&E has no understanding of haemophilia and on 2 occasions over the last 3 years has failed to consult my haemophilia centre when dealing with me in an emergency situation.'

Person with mild haemophilia

'More communication is needed between the GP and the treatment centre'

Person with type 2 VWD

How respondents' rated
non-specialist health professionals’
understanding of their
bleeding disorder

My GP has a good understanding of my bleeding disorder and how it affects me
The A&E consultants always have a good understanding of my bleeding disorder if ever I need to see them
The paramedics have a good understanding of my bleeding disorder and how it affects me

Services Used

Services rated good or excellent
by most respondents

Ratings of services used by respondents were mixed:

'The services provided by the nurses, doctors and physios are excellent.

... Unfortunately, though, there is no social worker in place or dental team, even though this is a comprehensive care centre.'

Person with severe haemophilia

Respondents' average rating of
priority for integral services

When rating the priority for access to services, management of acute bleeds, pain management and orthopaedics were rated highest priority.

Post-COVID Preferences

55% of respondents said there had been changes in their care due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Alternatives to face to face contact were generally recieved positively, but for some they reinforced a sense of disconnect with the care team.

Preferences for how treatement centres should keep in touch included digital and non-digital options:

'I’m just having phone call appointments and management and I don’t like it.'

Person with type 3 VWD

'I had blood tests done last month in my local surgery and a telephone appointment. This is a great idea as it reduces the need for travel and the risk of visiting the hospital whilst Covid is still prevalent.'

Person with mild haemophilia

'Telephone based appointments has its upsides and downsides... I've also noticed a difference between those centres who use video and those who only use phone. The use of video feels more personable .'

Person with severe haemophilia


The Phoenix survey shows that most respondents value the services provided by their treatment centres but a minority, sometimes large, rated some aspects of the services as poor or absent.

This is consistent with the findings of the West Midlands Quality Review Service peer review process commissioned by the UKHCDO.

Care beyond specialist centres, especially that provided through A&E and by GPs, is a continuing concern.

Further exploration of how treatment centres reorganised the services during COVID-19, and the impact of this on people with bleeding disorders, could help to ensure that:

  • The changes that work well become standard practice
  • These changes support NHS aims for personalised service provision

Providing greater support for treatment centres to share effective practice and resources would contribute to delivery of a more uniformly high standard of care.